Add a Document (A4 letters and A3 folded sheets)

Learn how to successfully add documents to your mailing.

Click the option that you would like to use to tell Docmail which document you want to send. 

You can upload a new document stored on your computer. 

Or, you can use documents that you have stored in your library by selecting ‘Add from Library’, where you can select any document, a mail pack or insert that you already have stored in your library. 


You do not need to include the recipients address as Docmail will add this for you. 

You can apply any logos or signatures that you want to use on your mailing; either by embedding them into your documents or by using a ‘Background’.

(Backgrounds can be selected under the “Edit Document” section).


Different backgrounds can be stored so that you can choose the most relevant one for the mailing that you are creating. They can hold logos or letterheads, and can be applied behind your documents. 

Different backgrounds can be stored so that you can choose the right one for the mailing that you are creating. 

These can be PDF (.pdf), Microsoft Word (.doc), or Rich Text Format (.rtf) files. You can select your chosen background from your library using the ‘Background’ drop down box.

Print Margin 

‘Shrink to fit’ is selected as this is generally the best option to use. This will shrink your document by a 3mm margin and apply a white border to your finished document. If you do not require a white 3mm border you can tick ‘Keep original size’. This is most applicable when you are producing a postcard.

Reply envelopes

You can add a Business reply envelope (BRE) to your mailpack.

You can design this and save it to your library, then select it when you would like it to be printed and enclosed with your mailing.